My new Internet Camera

Oh man….a new toy. For the flimsiest excuse, I went out and purchased a DCS-900W Internet camera. I’m pretty impressed. The thing just worked!

I’ve had my eye on this kind of device for some time – ever since I had my house wired and I installed a wireless network. I like the idea of these standalone wireless devices that just plug away doing their work, without having a support computer turned on all the time and nothing more than electricity feeding it. This camera does just that. It just sits there, focused on where ever I aim it and streams video to whom ever is looking.

I don’t know if I could have paid less, but I’m satisfied with my small investment in it. It worked as I expected it to. It was super easy to set up. I just followed the little guide book that comes with it – typed in my WEP key and voila! Instant, mobile movies and pictures!

I can unplug it from its power source…traipse it over to another place…plug it back in to get power, and in a few moments it’s available online. Everything is viewed and administered straight from an embedded web server on the camera. Nothing to install. It works from both IE and Firefox just fine.

Here’s a picture taken of me with the camera…(Ok, Ok…so it’s nighttime and I can’t sleep, and I’m in a pitch black room writing this)

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